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  • Writer's pictureMariah Draeger

Ready to Make a Change but Struggling to Find Consistency?!?

We are all human and a work in progress. We can't go back and fix yesterday but we can make today a better day and work towards a sustainable healthy future!

Do you have trouble staying consistent?
Do you start a diet for a week and then fall off by week 2?
Do you get a gym membership and go regularly for a week or two & then lose motivation?

Here are 5 strategies to help you gain control and consistency to help you in your healthy journey.


Add your gym session to your calendar. When you add your session to your calendar you are allotting a specific time in your day to show up and get the work done.

Work hard to not move this time around. The more you reschedule it in your day the higher chance you are going to not do it and fall short.


We as humans can talk ourselves out of anything. What we say matters. Our thoughts and words shape our mindset and make up our reality.

How to manage self talk:

I can't do it. → I can do it.

I will never lose weight. → It will take more time then I want, but if I don’t start it can never happen.

The gym intimidates me. → I will start by walking 30 minutes each day. When that becomes consistent then I will readdress my gym fear.

I don't have time. → My health is important to me, I will make time.

My kids get in the way. → Being a role model for my kids is exactly what I aspire to do. I want them to be shown what a healthy lifestyle can do for them.


Sustainable health is a life-long process. Sustainable health is not something that is achieved overnight. It is a forever lifestyle.

You will have ups and downs... there will be times you feel like quitting and times you make a huge progress milestone.

Have a mindset that this is a marathon not a sprint and you're less likely to let yourself down.


Finding a trusting friend, loved one, or co-worker to join in on your health journey will make a huge difference in your success.

Getting daily support and giving daily support makes sticking to the plan that much easier!

If you have a hard time finding someone to be your accountability partner- don't worry- try joining a group class at your gym, local running group, or upgrade to the next tier here and get daily motivational post/a community of like minded people!


This strategy eliminates a lot of excuses!

Having your gym bag ready, clothes set out, coffee on a self timer, meals prepped... eliminates the excuses of "not enough time".

Most people fail to utilize this strategy & in return suffer by falling off or giving up.

I hope you found these 5 simple strategies helpful and easy to add into your routine - what works is not complicated.

Getting to a sustainable healthy lifestyle can sure be challenging in the current fast-paced, result focused world we live in. Utilizing these 5 strategies will help you build the consistency you need for sustainable change.

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