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  • Writer's pictureMariah Draeger

Picky Eater Kids?!

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

All kids will hate some foods & that is okay!!

It is our job as adults to help grow the young humans in our lives. They are always looking up to us, watching what we do, listening to how we talk to one another/ about ourselves, and 100% watching what we choose to eat as well as how we talk about food.

Below I have created a few tips you can use in your daily life to help the picky eaters you know branch out!

These 3 tips are just the start to helping kids choose more variety within their food choices. We have to make new foods available to them otherwise how will they try them?!

Even if you don't like a certain foods doesn't mean your kid won't like it!!

As you start to work on helping the young ones in your life to try new foods, one great way for them to feel as though they are in control and it isn't "forced" is to make meals that they get to choose what is all on it. I have a few examples of meal ideas below. Guide them in making sure they have a protein source, a carbohydrate source and some type of fruit/veggie & then let their imagination run with what other condiments they may like to try.

I hope you found something helpful out of this. If you have any questions, are looking for guidance on your own personal health/nutrition journey please don't hesitate to reach out! I would be more than happy to hear from you and chat about your current situation.

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